Hsu Surrenders in California

norman-hsu.jpgNorman Hsu, Democrat “rain-maker” or fund raiser, surrendered to authorities in San Mateo, California today to face grand theft charges. This is the third questionable donor to fall from grace after contributing to Hillary Clinton and other Democrat campaign funds. Can you say “Culture of Corruption?” — Yes, I thought you could! Now where did I put my sweater and loafers….

UPDATE:::: Federal Probe of Hsu Fundraising…

From The San Jose Mercury News, a paper I used to peruse as a child in Monterey:

A top Democratic fundraiser wanted as a fugitive in California turned himself in today to face a grand theft charge.

San Mateo County Superior Court Judge H. James Ellis ordered Norman Hsu handcuffed and held on $2 million bond. A bail hearing was scheduled for Sept. 5, at which the judge will consider reducing his bail to $1 million.

Hsu appeared in court accompanied by a lawyer and publicist, both of whom declined to say whether the New York apparel executive would immediately post bail. A warrant was issued for his arrest after he skipped the sentencing for a 1991 grand theft charge.

In the ensuing years, Hsu became a top donor to numerous Democratic candidates, including presidential contenders Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama.

Previous articles on the Clinton Campaign of Corruption:





The LA times also has an article that goes into much depth on Norman Hsu’s background, I recommend a read.

Final note: At whose urging did Hsu Surrender? I picture someone circling overhead with a trail of smoke screeching “I’ll get you Hsu — and your little dog too!”

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5 Responses to Hsu Surrenders in California

  1. Randy says:

    Hillary should keep one thing in mind: when her husband did all of that questionable fundraising, he had his hands on the controls of power.
    She doesn’t yet.

    You do what you know: why wouldn’t she pile up questionable donar money?
    It’s what she knows.

    Ah well, I’m just spouting off. If I were feeling more logical about the subject, I would submit links to all the cases of corruption like Thanos did.

    The only good thing I that would occur during another Clinton presidency would be that subscriptions to conservative publications would soar, as they did during the previous Bubba-ocracy.

  2. Randy says:

    Oh yes.
    Hey Thanos!
    Can you throw up a link for me somewhere?
    Is that allowed?

    Let me know.

  3. Thanos says:

    You just did with your comment, two in fact. Seriously I don’t normally link to three day old blogs, I like a bit more “soak time” .. in your case I will make an exception, but the link’s on double super secret probation.

    I wish I’d known you were Mondoreb… now that I do I will put you into the right blogroll. Thanks!

  4. Ornery Elephant says:

    There isn’t a Democrat in the whole country that gives a crap if Hillary Clinton took $50,000 from this guy or $5 million from him. They are all Socialists. They simply don’t care about the morals or ethics of elected officials. So, it’s all a waste of ink and imagery.

    Bill Clinton lied to the American people, he lied to the Justice Dept and he was impeached. And today, he is revered by the Democrats of this Land as one of the best Presidents we ever had. They don’t care….as long as Hillary follows through on her promise to allow them to kill unborn babies, give them totally free healthcare and surrender in every armed conflict in the World, they are happy campers.

    Finally, if Hillary Clinton had been arrested in the Mpls Airport for lewd conduct in the Women’s bathroom and pled guilty to a misdemeanor, can you name ONE Congressman or Senator that would call for her resignation? Think about it. Name one.

  5. Ornery Elephant says:

    Whoops…I meant to say “…can you name ONE DEMOCRAT Congressman or Senator…..”

    haha my guess is there would be a few Republicans that would love to ask for her resignation at that point!

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