Daily Archives: August 5, 2007

TVA to Finish Building 2nd Watts Bar Reactor

TVA voted to finish contruction of a second reactor at Watts Bar that stopped building in 1985. This is great news, and successful finish of this construction will herald the way for new Nuclear energy plants in the US. Continue reading

Posted in Energy, Freedom, Politics, Science, Technology | 1 Comment

In the Shadow of the Moon

This is a trailer of an upcoming Ron Howard movie, In the Shadow of the Moon — just watching the trailer reminded me of how great we can all be, and what we can accomplish. Continue reading

Posted in Art, Blogging, Freedom, Journalism, Science, The Future | Comments Off on In the Shadow of the Moon

Rudy Takes on a Hard-Hitting Journalist

Finally, a candidate who can fully answer hard-hitting detailed questions from reporters in a firm, concise, and polite manner. Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Journalism, Politics | 2 Comments

Sunday Morning Terror Roundup

This weekend has been a tour d’ force in combatting terror on several fronts, I’ll recap the major events below. First for all of the people involved in these captures and kills: you are doing a fantastically good job, we … Continue reading

Posted in Blogging | 3 Comments