My parents just completed another trip with a rented van and trailer — one of many in their lives. Some in vans, some in just cars, it’s a life you get used to in the Military. Traveling at night because you can make better times, loading up in a weekend and cross-country you go. Here’s part of what my Dad had to say about the last trip:
We left Yakima and overnighted in Snowville, UT, then drove through Wyoming on I-80 to Cheyenne and turned south on I-25 twards Denver. We took the toll road around the east side of Denver and headed east on I-70 and overnighted at Limon,CO…. We took US-69 south to Ft. Scott and crossed over to Nevada then down US-71 to I-44. We didn’t even have any close calls, but your mom is still worried about the tire that disintegrated on the trailer. All in all it was a great adventure, but I don’t think we are ever going to pack up and leave again. This was the third time I drove a rental truck from WA to Mo to WA to MO. Every route was a little different and there was a lot to see and most people never know how blessed we are in this nation with it’s beauty. Your mom still marvels at the mountains, streams, fields of corn, soybeans, etc..that stretch for miles across the country.
I only wish that the politicians in DC could feel the way we do about what our troops are protecting in Iraq and Afghanistan. In fact, it might be better when they are elected to let them take a stroll, walking from the east coast to the west coast and back through the southwest and south back to DC to help them appreciate this great country.
If I were younger, I would want to do it, a good pair of boots,camera, a ruck full of film, a journal, canteen, poncho, and of course a good dog to talk to….Love Dad
Thanks and I hope you still sing this song on occasion Dad