PKK Attack After Ceasefire

PKK terrorists attacked in Turkey today, killing two soldiers. It’s not surprising that they would break the just declared “cease-fire” since terrorist groups by definition have neither honor nor discipline, and can’t taken for their word.

Story at Today’s Zaman.

Here’s the list of the recent attacks:

June 4: Seven soldiers killed, seven wounded in attack at gendarmerie station in Tunceli.

June 3: Machinegun and mortar attack on Aktütün Gendarmerie Station.

June 1: RPG-7 rocket attack at a Gendarmerie Station Command in Bitlis. No damage or lives lost.

May 31: Harassment fire opened by terrorists at a gendarmerie station in Bingöl.

May 25: Terrorists bomb cargo train traveling from Bitlis to Elazığ. Eight wagons derailed. No lives lost.

May 16: Three gendarmerie stations in the Ovacık district of Tunceli attacked by terrorists, who opened fire. No damage or lives lost.

May 12: Two security officers wounded when two terrorists opened rifle fire at the central gendarmerie station command building in Bingöl.

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