3 Al Qaeda Arrested in Taftan

The Frontier Post is reporting that three suspected Al Qaeda members, one a German national, were arrested in Taftan yesterday, and Iran continues to expel Pakistanis attempting migration to Europe through Iran. Story from Frontier Post:

TAFTAN (PPI): Taftan Administration arrested three foreigners for suspicion of al Qaida here Saturday. Of these two are Germans and one Kyrgyz national. According to details these foreign nationals had entered Pakistan from Iran illegally. On information Taftan administration arrested them and lodged them in Taftan Station. They are suspected of al Qaida activists. Meanwhile, Iranian authorities handed over 32 Pakistani nationals to authorities in Taftan the other day. They had entered Iran without valid travelling documents from Mand, Bullo and Panjgur and wanted to go to European countries.

In Afghanistan Defense Ministry Spokesman  Mohammad Zahir Azimi states that 157 Taliban have been killed in four separate engagements:

Afghanistan’s defense ministry says Afghan soldiers supported by NATO troops have killed 157 Taliban operatives in the past 10 days. The army this month launched four operations in southern and southeastern Afghanistan aimed at clearing the area of militants fighting for the Taliban.
“In all four operations 157 enemies were killed, 23 enemies were arrested and six Afghan army soldiers were martyred,” Defense Ministry Spokesman Mohammad Zahir Azimi told a press conference on Sunday.
Of the total of 157, 27 were killed in the past 24 hours in Zabul province.
“The enemy had grouped in the area. NATO forces bombed them and 27 of them were killed,” Azimi said.

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2 Responses to 3 Al Qaeda Arrested in Taftan

  1. Ornery Elephant says:

    As it states, ” Afghanistan’s defense ministry says Afghan soldiers supported by NATO troops have killed 157 Taliban operatives in the past 10 days”

    Ahhhh….it’s a beautiful thing, yes? : )

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