Su Su Nway Freed in Burma (Myanmar)

su-su-nway.jpgThe Military Junta released Freedom advocate Su Su Nway, after holding her nearly a month. Su Su Nway led a prayer vigil for Suu Kyi, the lawful leader of Burma who’s been held prisoner one way or another for 11 of the past 17 years.

Su Su Nway was in the hospital with a heart condition, and it’s a strange pattern that prominent democracy advocates in Burma often end up needing medical care. It hearkens back to the days of the Soviet Politburo, when dissenters were sent to psychiatric units and other doctors while in prime health and mental condition.

Story at Yahoo

Myanmar’s military government has freed an activist arrested last month for leading a prayer vigil seeking the release of democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi, her party’s spokesman said Friday.

Su Su Nway, 34, was arrested May 15 as she led a vigil for the Nobel Prize winner’s freedom. She was taken to hospital one day later to receive treatment for heart disease but remained under 24-hour guard in her bed.

Party spokesman Myint Thein said authorities told the hospital on Thursday that she was no longer in custody.

“We hope that the other detainees will also be free soon,” he said.

A fellow activist who visited her Friday said that Su Su Nway remained in hospital but her health was improving. She had been told that she can return home at any time, the activist added.

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One Response to Su Su Nway Freed in Burma (Myanmar)

  1. Ma Sands says:

    Then again, when “taken into custody”, those who are, or are seen as, dissenters often do not remain in prime condition…..( )

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