George Bush got something right yesterday and deserves kudos for it. Missile defense is key to the future safety of all the world. The nuclear djinn is out of the bottle, and it will never be put back again. This from his speech yesterday:
Washington, DC. President George W. Bush stood strong and called out President Putin today on Missile Defense before leaving to Germany where they are going to meet at the Group of 8 Leading Industrial Nations summit meetings, next week.
“The Cold War is over,†President Bush stated. “We’re now into the 21st century, where we need to deal with the true threats, which are threats of radical extremists who will kill to advance an ideology, and the threats of proliferation,†he further commented. “I’m deeply concerned about Iran having a nuclear weapon that could fly toward Europe, or, for that matter, toward any other allies,†Bush said. “And we don’t want to ever have ourselves in a position where the world could become blackmailed. And, therefore, one way to deal with this issue is through a missile defense system.†The President closed his comments by saying of the third missile defense site in Europe, “We think it’s the right thing to do.â€