Pakistan Update

quetta-cyclone-damage-reuters.jpgThings aren’t going great in Pakistan right now, the monsoon has started and hundreds have died to flooding, collapsing billboards, buildings and roofs. North South of Karachi a Cyclone took out part of the coastal highway, and killed 12. Update: Cyclone Yemyin has also sunk a fishing boat, and it’s feared that 32 are dead.

Meantime, the Taliban and extremists are continuing their campaigns within Pakistan, yesterday three CD shops in Charsada were bombed, and today another in Shabqadar was destroyed.  Suicide bombers intent on assassination are rumored to be in Islamabad, and power poles continue to be bombed. The extremist crows surely have come home to roost, and now they are directly attacking Pakistan and Pakistanis, seeing the writing on the wall that they will not succeed in either Iraq or Afghanistan, say what they might.

pervezmusharraf.jpgMusharraf appears to be gearing up the Frontier Constabulary and Police while at the same time calling for peace, and exhorting the Tribals to “Drive out foreign extremists” in a Jirga with 400 Tribal leaders at Government house.

President Pervez Musharraf Tuesday reiterated that law and order would be maintained at all costs in the country, particularly in NWFP and FATA, adding that writ of the government would be ensured and nobody would be allowed to take law in his hands.
Addressing garrison officers at Corps Auditorium, the president said to control the deteriorating law and order, sectarianism, growing extremism and Talibanization in the country, particularly in NWFP and FATA, government is enhancing the combat ability of Frontier Corps NWFP, Police, Khassadars and Levies in order to ensure peace and stability in the region.
Referring to global war on terrorism, the president said that military operations in FATA are being conducted to wipe out miscreants as extremism and Talibanization is no path to peace.
He said the forthcoming general elections would be free, fair and transparent and expressed the hope that people of Pakistan would definitely choose the moderate forces for better future in the country.
President said that Pak Army is capable of defeating evil design of any aggressor.
“We are better equipped than our adversary in missile technology and all the forces are being equipped with hi-tech and latest weaponry to meet any challenge,” he added. He urged the officers to devote maximum time for training at all levels saying it would deter aggression and yield dividends in the time of trial.

To me this is reminiscent of the lead up to the death of Nawab Bugti last year.

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