US to UN Soon: Hamid Gul is a Terrorist

As a followup to yesterday’s story on Hamid Gul, Bill Roggio has made some queries and has a solid report up at The Long War Journal. Well worth your your time to read.

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One Response to US to UN Soon: Hamid Gul is a Terrorist

  1. Mwaqar says:

    Time to arrest General (R) Hamid Gul, Brigadier (R) Ijaz Shah and other rogue elements in Pakistan’s intelligence agencies’Who killed Benazir Bhutto? Foot-soldiers of Al-Qaeda/Taliban/Sipah-e-Sahaba. Who were the masterminds? General Hamid Gul, Brigadier Ijaz Shah, other rogue elements in Pakistan’s ISI and other intelligence agencies.Who are their mouth-pieces in the Pakistani media? Irfan Siddiqi, Ansar Abbasi, Kashif Abbasi, Mushtaq Minhas, Hamid Mir, Roedad Khan, Orya Maqbool Jan
    Who are their political supporters?Ijazul-Huq, Pervez Elahi, Qazi Hussain Ahmed, Imran Khan, Hafiz Saeed, and other pro-jihadi, pro-Taliban and sectarian elements.
    Hamid Gul and other ISI former officers are on pay roll of ALQUIDA.
    What Pakistan Government needs to do,is to arrest and punish former army generals of ISI like HAMID GUL ETC,HAMID GUL was ISI cheif once and is supporter of Osama and fanatic religious groups,he should be arrested by NATO forces and they should investigate him,he is invole in terrorism and supports all those mullahs who spread hate.Presnt Pakistani Govt is afraid of its generals and BHUTTO family was killed by these fanatic army and ISI generals like HAMID GUL.Terrorists are using poor people for their crimes,killing anyone any where is a crime aginst humanity.

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