Tag Archives: jobs

Let’s Play “Where are the Jobs!”

Let’s Play “Where are the Jobs!” A new NRCC targeted ad, simple but effective: With the rate jump to 9.8 percent today it’s no wonder that the Dems consider this “sobering”.

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Obama’s First Six Months: The Fail

Obama’s First Six Months: The Fail Domestic Even being kind and peering through rose-colored glasses won’t give the appearance that President Obama has succeeded in his major policy initiatives – especially when you look at real data from his first … Continue reading

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Energy and Jobs

As long as energy is expensive and less abundant we will be harming our ability to compete on the world market, and decreasing jobs at most local levels. It’s a steady static downward spiral that we cannot afford to stay … Continue reading

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John McCain’s Jobs for America: Simpler, Lower Taxes

In this ongoing series I’m examining the McCain Economic plans. There are 8 parts to the Jobs for America plan so I”m looking at them one at a time. The previous article on energy can be found here. John McCain’s … Continue reading

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