Tag Archives: Capitalism

A CONSERVATIVE solution to global warming (Part 1)

Political Correctness in the Republican party consists of denying that global warming exists, or that it’s man made, or that it’s impact to our children’s futures and our nation won’t be monumental. These denials come in the face of science … Continue reading

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The Michael Moore Challenge

The Michael Moore Challenge Some people estimate that Michael Moore’s worth is 100 million or better, and in his new movie he declares that capitalism is evil. Since capitalism is merely property and the trading thereof, I call on Michael … Continue reading

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Penn on a Trillion

What’s a Trillion? Penn does get one thing wrong in this video, if you are on the Glen Beck show it’s always going to be Glen who’s the biggest nut. But hey, these are nutty times.

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Milton Friedman on Greed

At times like this when the “best and the brightest” have made huge mistakes, and government controls and intervention are shown to be useless, it’s good to remember the prime things that drive economies: key among them is self interest, or as some would have it, Greed. Continue reading

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Denver Loves Mookie

In preparation for the DNC bruhaha in Denver to select their nominee for the Presidential elections in November cadres of kooks are demonstrating to prepare the path for “THE ONE“. As you can see this particular group is fond of … Continue reading

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