Tag Archives: interview

Nancy Says “Everything is on the Table” including Taxes

Nancy Says “Everything is on the Table” including Taxes When it comes to how to pay for their health care plan costs the Democrats are being vague as you can see in this interview with Nancy Pelosi. When asked about … Continue reading

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Barack Obama 1995: Reverend Wright Represents the Best that the Black Church has to Offer

This was 13 years before Barack conveniently condemned Wright and left his church. Black liberation theology is part of Barack’s identity, and like all identity movements based on race, tribe, or religion there is a large dose of hate for the “other”. Continue reading

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Who’s the Elitist in this Video? (hint: it’s not Lynn)

Wolf Blitzer interviews Lynn Forester De Rothschild, one of these people is a beltway elitist, can you figure out which it is?

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Sarah Palin Uncensored

This is clear journalistic malfeasance, and Charlie needs to start wearing his tinfoil hat to interviews so America knows where he is coming from. Continue reading

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A Study in Media Bias – Outlined by Bidinotto

This post is the last in which I will compare Bush and McCain, the differences are many, and that’s direction the left wants the conversation to go. I’d rather look at the future, as the candidates should be. Continue reading

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Obama Gets a Helping Hand on Faith From the MSM

h/t Little Green Footballs. Nice help there George, Nice Lie there Obama: “He has suggested that I am a muslim.”  John McCain never suggested that you were muslim, and has decried the attempts to paint you as one.

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