Tag Archives: climate

Why temperatures never go up in straight lines

A new video from Peter Hadley to debunk the usual naysayers who think this temporary slowdown or pause in AGW is the destruction of all science. Why temperatures never go up in straight lines – YouTube.

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The Road to GLORY

NASA’s new climate satellite explained in detail Continue reading

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Lord Monckton and Snake Oil

Indeed, the only time Fraud Monckton ran for house of Lords he received zero votes. Continue reading

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AGW: Still Very Real Despite all the Luddite Mobs Trying to Storm the Castle

covers several of the recent climate denialist headlines, which almost always get things exactly wrong or backwards. Continue reading

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Bill Gates on Energy, Climate and Poverty

Very important talk here, pretty much what I’ve been saying when I’ve taken the time to bash Gore and his anti-nuclear crowd in We. It’s crucial that we create plentiful cheap energy – it’s also crucial that it be carbon … Continue reading

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Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming Were Known About in the Late 50’s

we’ve known about the effects of CO2 and the Greenhouse effect since the 1950’s. The debate has never really been over whether CO2 can effect the world’s temperature, it’s always been about figuring out how much and how soon. Continue reading

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Monckton Fabricates Data

Monckton Fabricates Data Following up on an earlier post on Lord Monckton’s anti-AGW campaign it turns out that he’s playing fast and loose with data, and apparently making things up. The sordid details can be found at RealClimate. What’s his … Continue reading

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