Tag Archives: loan

McClatchey Tries to Cover Barney Frank’s Fannie

Loan officers didn’t care, they got commission good or bad. Underwriters across the country were browbeaten until they learned to hold their nose and look the other way. In the meantime to keep up banks were sending out people with cameras to take pictures of huge sums of money laid out bill by bill on kitchen floors because there were “cultural differences” and some cultures didn’t trust banks Continue reading

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Bailout Plan General Agreement Reached: Plan Being Written Now

I like it that they are metering the money with checkpoints, I like it that there are these and other limits. What I don’t like is that there will be fees on the financial services industry as part of the agreement if they don’t turn this around in five years. Continue reading

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Who’s Behind the Mess?

This is pretty much all you need to know about the current situation in a nutshell, straight to the essentials.

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Obama Number Two on the Fannie Mae Contributions List

Will team Obama be chanting “We’re number 2! We’re Number 2! ?” somehow I doubt it. ** Video removed due to slow loading from Fox news Previously: Enough is Enough Obama 2nd Biggest Recipient of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac … Continue reading

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Bush Threatens Veto on Bailout Bill

Capitalism is the fairest system of commerce there is. It doesn’t care what color you are, what books you read, or what views you hold. If you offer something of value at reasonable price you will profit, if you invest … Continue reading

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