Al Qaeda Bomb Plot Foiled in Denmark

0409-soir-denmark.jpgAuthorities in Denmark have arrested several Islamist radicals with direct links to the Al Qaeda leadership. They were monitoring the suspects quite a while but arrested them when they started working with volatile explosives in a residential neighborhood.

Story & Video at Euronews:

The Danish authorities say they have foiled a planned terrorist bomb attack. Eight men suspected of having direct links with the Al Qaeda leadership have been arrested. The eight, aged mainly in their twenties, of Afghan, Somali, Pakistani and Turkish origin, had been under surveillance for some time. They were arrested when it was deemed enough evidence had been gathered against them, and because they were believed to have been working with unstable explosives in a dense residential area.

The head of the Danish Intelligence Service Jakob Scharf said: “We can describe these suspects as Islamist militants with international contacts, among them the leaders of Al Qaeda.”

11 locations were raided overnight. Last September Danish police arrested nine people after discovering chemical substances which could be used in bomb making. The court case starts tomorrow. There have also been a numbers of protests in Denmark by Muslims over cartoons featuring the prophet Mohammed in the press.

UPDATE: Maybe they got this guy from Denmark.

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2 Responses to Al Qaeda Bomb Plot Foiled in Denmark

  1. Ornery Elephant says:

    I was reading over at LGF about how one news account of this was almost justifying the attempt by pointing out the Danish participation in the Iraq War and the Danish cartoon and it hit me.

    And this is scary to say but I’m convinced that if another 9/11 type attack, one of that scale in terms of civilian deaths, whether the attack was here or in Europe, would be met with a much different reaction around the world. It pains me to say that I fear there would be marked less horror from it, there would be justifications put out for it. I truly hope it doesn’t happen, first. But if it does, I hope I am wrong in this premonition.

  2. Thanos says:

    It’s hard to say. I know where the press would be, but where the people would be is another question Ornery.

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