Daily Archives: September 18, 2007

Bin Sagging in Polls

The real reason for the Al Qaeda media blitz is revealed. Osama Bin Laden, Al Qaeda, and their causes are sagging in the Islamic world. Their political arm, Hizb ut Tahrir, recently held a series of rallies to try to rebuild the flagging support, but as people are seeing the face of the Mufsiduun who would be caliph, they are finding the slogging hard. Continue reading

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MSM Finally Covering Pakistan

As Pakistan goes, so will the Islamic world. They are not the leaders, but the bellweather. If they are able to transition from Military rule back to Democracy and true parliamentarian government it will be a great sign. Continue reading

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The Future of UAV Combat

The future of UAV combat was decided yesterday as the attempt by the Air Force to control all UAV’s was vetoed. There were good arguments and reasons on both sides of the debate, but now we know the way it is. Continue reading

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Nepalese Standoff Over as Prachandra Quits

True to form, the Maoists did quit the government after their demands were not met Continue reading

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