Daily Archives: September 7, 2007

Freedom Journal Iraq 9/7/7

Reporting from the front; two AQI leaders captured

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Bin Laden Berates Democrats for Not Doing His Bidding

The government is still analyzing the new 25 minute tape, I would expect the release later today. This from MSNBC: Officials said bin Laden criticized Democrats in Congress in the video for being unable to stop the war in Iraq. … Continue reading

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How to Fight “Home Grown” Terror

To the left you see the Islamic Informaion Center that German police searched in the terrorist roundup earlier this week. The sign on the door says “Islam is Peace” Fighting Home Grown terror is a problem that Europe is struggling … Continue reading

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Hsu Captured … Again

Fugitive Democrat campaign donation bundler Norman Hsu has been captured after he fell ill on an Amtrak train in Grand Junction, Colorado. The nature of his illness is unknown due to medical privacy rules. This tale just keeps getting more … Continue reading

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