Daily Archives: September 12, 2007

Austrian E-Jihadists Arrested – Voice of the Caliphate

Three Austrians who fronted the Al Qaeda allied e-jihad group “Voice of the Caliphate” have been arrested in Austria Continue reading

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3rd Al Qaeda Tape to be Released

Al Qaeda will issue yet another tape shortly, this one to feature the new leader of the Taliban in Afghanistan (we killed the last two,) and more commemoration and explanation of 9/11. Continue reading

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Stump Speeches in the Petraeus Hearings

During the Iraq report hearings there were five Presidential Candidates on the two panels, some of them were busier rebutting each others campaign points than questioning General Petraeus. Dana Milbank reports “Enough About Iraq, Let’s Talk About Me.” There are also … Continue reading

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Missing Forty Million

While Hillary’s campaign has vowed to return 850 thousand dollars given to her campaign by Norman Hsu, campaign bundler under federal investigation, Fox reports on the missing forty million dollars lent to Hsu by one of the organizers of Woodstock. Continue reading

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