Daily Archives: September 15, 2007

Gathering of Eagles Update

Gathering of Eagles has more pics up, including some crazy code pinkos, the usual Bush=Hitler signs, calls for impeachment, and some pan shots that show you how thin the leftist demonstration really was. Let’s face it, if you can’t get a 10:1 ratio of socialists to conservatives at a demonstration then you are in a lost cause Continue reading

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Turkish Editors Call for As Sahab Retraction

The Turkish Daily news goes to great pains to say that the latest Al Qaeda tape does not really reference Ankara, but a Syrian city instead. While they might console some of their readers, they have quickly forgotten that Al … Continue reading

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Afghan Commando Raid Nets Taliban Drug Runner and IED Maker

From Defenselink, Yesterday in Afghanistan: A new battalion of Afghan National Army commandos today completed it first operation, capturing a well-known Taliban facilitator and two suspected Taliban extremists. Working with a contingent of Afghan national police advised by coalition forces, … Continue reading

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Megahed Granted Bail, Government Appeals

CAIR (The Council of American Islamic Relations, Unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation Terror Funding trial,) is effectively saying Megahed was bad, but Mohamed is a nice boy with a clean record, he just happened to be in the car…. Continue reading

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Hsugate and The New “Hsu” School

was ranked second to Warren Wilson College in Swannanoa, N.C., for having “students most nostalgic for Bill Clinton.” The school ranked sixth in the category of students who “Ignore God on a regular basis.” It ranked first for “Best College Town.” Continue reading

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President Bush Answers a Key Question From Bill Roggio

President Bush met with Milbloggers in a conference yesterday to congratulate them on the job they are doing reporting the war, as well as to answer some questions. Continue reading

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