Daily Archives: September 3, 2007

YouTube Hosts Video That Calls for Killing Jews

Warning: it will offend you with the usual neo-nazi, anti-zionist, anti-jew cliches, including another video titled “hitler was right”.
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It’s No Time to Quit

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Hillary’s 4th Questionable Associate Steps Forward…

UPDATE: Obama Speaks — lists Hillary Clinton as “Democrat, Punjab” !! Continue reading

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Iraqi Court Sentences Ten Soldiers of Heaven to Death

An Iraqi court has handed down sentencing for the Najaf Riots case. Ten so-called “Soldiers of Heaven” who followed a false Mahdi, or messiah, were sentenced to death, and 390 others were sent to jail for fifteen years or more. Continue reading

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Palestinians Attack Day-Care Center With Rockets

Parents rushed to save their children in Sderot as Palestians rained seven rockets into the Israeli town this morning. Islamic Jihad, or Harkut-al-Jihad-Islami has claimed credit. They are Syrian and Iranian backed, but in the past have also received funding … Continue reading

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Final Musharraf-Bhutto Talks?

In the frontiers up to 150 Frontier Corps and Pakistan Army troops are either captured as hostage, or blockaded by the Taliban forces of Baitullah Mehsud (Mahsud tribe.) This puts the question of uniform, or “Wardi” issue, into contrast. Continue reading

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President Bush Makes Front-Line Assessment in Iraq

President Bush is on a surprise trip to Iraq ahead of the coming report to Congress by General Petraeus. He is meeting with the government and front-line commanders to assess both the effectiveness of the surge, and the recent gains towards political unity within the country. Continue reading

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