The Long War Journal

Bill Roggio has redesigned and redefined reporting on the long war we are in against terrorism. Right now it’s defined by the fronts we find our troops on, in Afghanistan and Iraq, however it’s truly worldwide and it’s being fought on many levels.

Here’s a sample of the Afghanistan section, please stop by and take a read, significant headway has been made this week with leaders captured, Taliban heroin labs closed, and many Taliban sent to graves.

The major levels the war is fought on are political, financial, cultural, and kinetic. The first three of these fronts cross into our lives daily — with efforts on the web by Islamist agit-propaganda groups being fought by journalists who portray truth and who present facts.

The political front is fought by Islamist political groups like the hundreds of thousands of Hizb-ut-Tahrir followers who met in London and Indonesia last week. The financial is represented by the pirates stopped off the horn of Africa by our Navy, and the trial of false charities that funnel money to terrorist groups, like the Holy Land Foundation trial underway, as well as the Taliban Heroin labs shut down by our troops in Afghanistan.

The front where we are best under control is the kinetic — our troops have fought finer than any military organization in all of history and they have accomplished more in shorter time frame than all others. They can’t win permanently if we lose the other fronts, so it’s important to step up our efforts across the board on those fronts — our military deserves that support.

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One Response to The Long War Journal

  1. nuke says:

    Well said, thanos.
    They deserve no less than our finest efforts.

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