Daily Archives: September 9, 2007

Muslim Day Parade

Please stop by Urban Infidel for coverage of the Muslim Day Parade.

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The Convergence of the Left and Bin Laden

Awhile back I made photoshop as a joke that transposed Keith Olberman’s face with Bin Laden’s. It’s not a joke anymore; for more on the strange convergence of Al Qaeda and the far left in America see Little Green Footballs, … Continue reading

Posted in Journalism | 2 Comments

It’ll be Monday Soon in Pakistan

Against this backdrop security is tightening as police and troops move in to contain any possible violence, and known radical activists are being rounded up. Politics, like religion in Pakistan, is liable to get bloody and violent so one editorial in the Daily Times wonders if 9/10 will be Pakistan’s 9/11. Continue reading

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