Monthly Archives: June 2007

Brownback Voted for it…

You know the rest  — before he voted against it. Should he be running for President? Methinks not.

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Space War Power

Taylor Dinerman has an article that’s recommended reading here. An Excerpt: As long as we live in a world without an all-out major war, the most dangerous form of space power is non-military. The mullahs of Iran and, before them, … Continue reading

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Taliban Recruiting Drive Continues

No commentary needed here, story from the Frontier Post: One of three boys kidnapped by Taliban earlier in the week has been slaughtered, alleges a district chief in the southern Kandahar province. Of the abducted teenaged trio, two youngsters were … Continue reading

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China and Pakistan

The Editorial in the Daily times tonight is well worth reading, covering as it does the government of Pakistan’s failure to reign in the extremists in the Mosque. Is Musharraf running Pakistan, or is it Abdul Aziz and Ghazi?

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Shamnesty Bill Dies

Ding Dong The Bill is dead! The Bill is dead! Ding Dong the Wicked Bill is dead.

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The World of Noblesse

. Here’s a map of my readership, a small but influential and diverse audience.

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Pakistan Update

In Pakistan there are a quarter million homeless people in the wake of Cyclone Yemyin, the largest natural disaster to hit Pakistan since the earthquakes. The rain has affected the entire country, and even folks in the mountains near Chitral have … Continue reading

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AQ Schism in Algeria

There appears to be discord in the ranks of GSPC / Al Qaeda in Algeria, as this confusing article details

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Christian Nurses Re-instated

Justice Iqbal of the Supreme Court of Pakistan has ordered that the five Christian nurses accused of blashphemy at the Mandi Bahauddin Nursing Hostel be allowed to resume their humanitarian duties. The five were accused of defacing Quranic verses on … Continue reading

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Gas Rationing and Inflation in Iran Sparks Riots

The Iranian leadership has come under fire from the citizens as they moved to rationing gas due to shortages. Crowds rioted, and burned gas stations. Continue reading

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