Tag Archives: mccain

Energy and Jobs

As long as energy is expensive and less abundant we will be harming our ability to compete on the world market, and decreasing jobs at most local levels. It’s a steady static downward spiral that we cannot afford to stay … Continue reading

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The Housing Bubble Link Round up

First you must read Robert Bidinotto’s synopsis here: While Barack Obama was getting campaign contributions from Fannie Mae’s Franklin Raines, John McCain was sounding the alarm about the crisis to come and trying to do something about it. On May … Continue reading

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McCain has spoken about the financial crisis at length, in a couple of places I do disagree with him. Much of the fault here does lie with Congress, and John seems unwilling to assign their portion of blame. Perhaps he’s … Continue reading

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Big Government Casts a Big Shadow

The latest McCain-Palin advertisements, Is Raines next to go under the bus?: ……………………………………………………………………………………………..   More on this from Ed at Hot Air and at Jammie Wearing Fool

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John McCain on the AIG Bailout

ARLINGTON, VA — Today, U.S. Senator John McCain issued the following statement on the situation in the financial markets and AIG: “Today, the government was forced to commit $85 billion to stop the collapse of AIG, another in a growing … Continue reading

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Crisis, and how to Overcome it

While the markets tumble Barack Obama is hob-knobbing with Celebrities and High Rollers in Hollywood.: The polls are one thing, but it sounds like Barack Obama might make progress in other ways during two ultra-rich Beverly Hills fund-raisers Tuesday. According … Continue reading

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Why is Whoopi Naive?

In case you didn’t catch it, Senator John McCain was on the view the other day, and in a discussion of Supreme Court justices and the import of appointing strict constitutionalist judges Whoopi took the opportunity to make a wise … Continue reading

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What is Respect?


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A Study in Media Bias – Outlined by Bidinotto

This post is the last in which I will compare Bush and McCain, the differences are many, and that’s direction the left wants the conversation to go. I’d rather look at the future, as the candidates should be. Continue reading

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Obama’s Education Accomplishment: Learning Sex Ed Before Learning to Read

Ouch, that’s not going to sit well with most Americans.

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