Tag Archives: Nuclear

The Nuclear Conundrum

A panel discussion of the drivers and restrainers to building new Nuclear Energy plants in the US. The panel is well rounded with Stewart Brand, Michael Brune and Industry represtentation. Continue reading

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Obama on Investing in Nuclear Energy

“We can’t keep on being mired in the same old stale arguments between the left and the right.” This is all too true – we have to have cheap clean safe energy in plenty if we are to cope with … Continue reading

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Lawhawk on the Dollars and Sense of Emission Reductions

Lawhawk on the Dollars and Sense of Emission Reductions Lawhawk has a good article up on what it takes to really reduce to emissions targets that our President will talk about in Copenhagen; I recommend you stop by and read … Continue reading

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President Obama and I agree

President Obama and I agree I usually have quibbles, reservations, or complete disagreement with much of what our President says, but here I am in 100 percent agreement. Like it our not we are a high energy society. If we … Continue reading

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Virgin CEO Branson Fully Favors Nuclear Energy

Virgin CEO Branson Fully Favors Nuclear Energy Richard is somewhat halting in public speaking but what he says here is very pertinent and right on the money. This is exactly in synch with what oil economy specialists say, especially in … Continue reading

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North Korean Nuclear Test

North Korean Nuclear Test North Korea has performed another underground nuclear test, and test launched more missiles. Video from AP President Obama’s Statement: Today, North Korea said that it has conducted a nuclear test in violation of international law. It … Continue reading

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Obama’s Nuclear Energy Limbo

If a cap and a price are imposed on carbon dioxide emissions, [nuclear] plants could be among the biggest economic winners in the vast economic shifts that would be created by greenhouse gas regulations. Continue reading

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Lamar Alexander: We Should Mimic the French

Lamar Alexander: We Should Mimic the French Mime jokes aside, Lamar Alexander gets things right in this video even though I disagree with him on some other topics (notably TRACS.)

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Terrestial Energy Part 1

This is a new book, and the author explains his book and new directions in the video below.

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Energy Debate

Rod Adams covers the energy segment of the Presidential debate at Atomic Insights, please stop by  for a read.

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