Hsu Captured … Again

Fugitive Democrat campaign donation bundler Norman Hsu has been captured after he fell ill on an Amtrak train in Grand Junction, Colorado. The nature of his illness is unknown due to medical privacy rules. This tale just keeps getting more interesting… Lawhawk has the full detail.

UPDATE: There is now an armed Federal Marshall guarding Hsu and hospital authorities stated that Hsu was “delirious” when he was admitted. This reported by Fox’s Alicia Acunia, who also states that they are waiting on tape from the 911 call placed by Hsu in which he stated that both his legs were numb.

 Previously: HSU FLEW, WHO KNEW?

norman-hsu.jpgHillary Clinton donor Norman Hsu, facing grand theft charges in San Mateo, failed to show for his bail hearing this morning. The judge has forfeited the 2 million dollar bail and issued a new arrest warrant. What would inspire Hong Kong immigrant Norman Hsu to forfeit 2 million dollars?

Story at International Herald Tribune:

The surprise development is the latest twist in the case of the California businessman who remade himself into a New York apparel executive and benefactor of Democratic causes and candidates. Clinton’s campaign had designated Hsu a “HillRaiser” — a title given to top donors.

Federal Election Commission records show Hsu donated $260,000 (€191,345) to Democratic Party groups and federal candidates since 2004. Though a top fundraiser for Clinton, he also donated to Obama’s Senate campaign in 2004 and to Obama’s political action committee.

The campaigns are running fast to distance themselves from Hsu, donating the money to charities. Perhaps in this case it would be better to get the money back to the victims Norman Hsu stole from instead, and it would make for an interesting civil suit if the theft victims sued the campaigns.

According to Smetana, Hsu told investors he had a contract to buy and sell latex gloves, but he never purchased the gloves and had no contract to sell them.

After he failed to show up for sentencing, investigators believed Hsu had fled to his native Hong Kong, Smetana said.

My advice to Norman: If you haven’t gotten to Hong Kong yet proceed forthwith; don’t make late-night side-trips to Fort Marcy Park.

Previous Clinton Campaign of Corruption articles:

Hsu Surrenders

Chatwal Defrauds and Dodges

“Ray” Jinnah Rehman …. previously of Pal-C

Vinod Guptaof InfoUSA

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