Palestinians Attack Day-Care Center With Rockets

Parents rushed to save their children in Sderot as Palestians rained seven rockets into the Israeli town this morning. Islamic Jihad, or Harkut-al-Jihad-Islami has claimed credit. They are Syrian and Iranian backed, but in the past have also received funding from Florida via Sami Al Arian who pled guilty to doing so.

 From the New York Times:

A Palestinian rocket landed in a courtyard next to a crowded day care center on Monday, sending panicked mothers scrambling to take their screaming toddlers to safety and bringing warnings of retribution from Israeli leaders.

None of the 15 children at the center was hurt. But frantic parents in Sderot — already furious over the government’s failure to protect them and their children from the near-daily rocket fire — pulled their children out of schools on the second day of the academic year. It was unclear when studies would resume.

The army said seven rockets were fired Monday morning at Sderot, a frequently targeted city just a mile from the Gaza Strip. Islamic Jihad, a radical Palestinian militant group that has fired hundreds of rockets into Israel in recent years, claimed responsibility.

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