Fun With Cameras

sea-monkey.jpg I discovered some amazing new sea life on an expedition recently…. photo to the left.



Ok, seriously this is a picture of a Sea Monkey that my daughter got me several years back. Yes, I am a geek. This was taken with a hand-held Canon XTI, from six feet away with a telephoto lens at max range. That’s a partial print of Thanos you see in the upper left corner, and this is about a twentieth of the actual picture…

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3 Responses to Fun With Cameras

  1. Ornery Elephant says:


    Thanos, just ran across this:

  2. Ornery Elephant says:

    Hmmm…trying again….Hopefully this won’t double post.


    Thanos, just ran across this:

  3. Thanos says:

    The Obama remarks, Tancredo remarks, and Nuke treaty with India have the jihadis frothing. This is red meat for their coming elections. Niazi has always said things like this btw.

    Btw: You posted the above at a time when I was getting spammed heavy, and it appears that someone has marked links to Dawn as spam at Akismet.

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