Claw versus Fang

golden-eagle-arilines.jpgclaws-and-fangs.jpgMy sister sent me some photos from a friend taken along the Alaskan Pipeline haul road. Here you see a Golden Eagle and an Arctic Fox debating who gets to dine first, click on the thumbnails, the photos are great.

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5 Responses to Claw versus Fang

  1. babbazee says:

    great photos thanos

  2. pianogirl says:

    Amazing pictures! I enjoy your blog (found it thru LGF)

  3. Tark says:

    Thanks, I always appreciate compliments, they keep me inspired.

  4. Ornery Elephant says:

    Welcome , pianogirl! This is a GREAT place to learn, to vent and just hang out. Hope you come back often and I’ll look for ya over at LGF!

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