A truck car was stopped with explosives tonight in South Carolina. Something to think on: the truck car came from Florida, was stopped in South Carolina, which is enroute to Washington DC. Maybe a stretch, but remember that the media outlet for Al Qaeda put up a banner promising a “Big Surprise” with a picture of Bush, Musharraf, and the White house burning recently.
UPI report:
A South Carolina highway was closed for hours Saturday night while authorities used a bomb squad robot to search a car.
Although U.S. Highway 176 in Goose Creek near Charleston, S.C., was closed for more than four hours, the FBI said there was
no immediate threat,The (Charleston) Post and Courier reported. More than a dozen police cars, fire trucks and an ambulance surrounded the gray sedan being searched, the newspaper said.An FBI spokeswoman said the federal agency was trying to determine if a crime had been committed. One witness told the newspaper the incident appeared to have started about 7 p.m. when police making a routine traffic stop and were talking with one man who might have been of Middle Eastern descent. The road was still blocked by authorities after 11 p.m.
UPDATE: Another story on the explosives, it appears there was a tip from “another jurisdiction”, even though the stop was made for speeding.
Lombardo also said information from an investigation in another jurisdiction raised the suspicions of the deputies.
A Jamaah Islameyah terror facilitator was arrested in Sunnyvale this weekend, and Your Black Muslim Bakery was busted Friday. (Click on the Noblesse Oblige Banner above and scroll down for those stories, Jamaah Islamayah is the group responsible for bombing Churches in Indonesia on Christmas Eve 2000, and for the Bali Night Club bombing.)
We also might have killed the current leader of the Taliban in Southern Afghanistan, Mansour Dadullah in a precision bombing raid of a Taliban lynching.
In Algeria the past two weeks there’s been a medium scale war going on against GSPC, an Al Qaeda aligned terror group. This really started off on a small scale when several GSPC members became “Repenitant” — leading the government to several camps, and turning in several terrorists. (previous post here.) Today at Echorouk Online there are stories with terribly twisted syntax and construction that are worth reading here, here, and here. It also seems that they arrested Robert DiNiro for drugs…(no.. not THE Robert DiNiro. 🙂