Tag Archives: religion

Jon Stewart Takes Over the Late Show to Rant About GOP and Fox News Trump Contortions

Jon Stewart Takes Over the Late Show to Rant About GOP and Fox News Trump Contortions Continue reading

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Morality Part III from Qualia Soup

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Pat Robertson and Haiti

Pat Robertson’s statement on Haiti has very deservedly and roundly been thrashed and slagged by everyone; however I want to look beyond the outrageous statement at what was really going on. He’s using human tragedy to raise money for his … Continue reading

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Blasphemy in Ireland

If you are religious you will most likely find these quotes offensive, and I used to really care a lot about not offending religious people even though I’ve been atheist all my life Continue reading

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Why I Would Never Run for Office in Kansas

Why I Would Never Run for Office in Kansas I’ve pondered if I should run for office; this because I am a life-long Republican in a red state with strong political opinions and in favor of reasoned action when it … Continue reading

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Putting Faith in its Place

Putting Faith in its Place A good logical examination of faith, and why you shouldn’t go overboard with it and try to control others by its dictates. Those should be personal for you, but not for everyone else – their … Continue reading

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Science is Agnostic

Eugenie Scott of the National Center for Science Education gives an excellent lecture on why the dichotomy presented by the Discovery Institute is false, and why importing atheist philosophy into science class isn’t right either. Continue reading

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Murder Through Faith

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