Tag Archives: Economy

John McCain Suggests Some Measures to Ensure Calm

John McCain suggested some measures this morning that the executive branch could take on their own to calm markets:

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McCain has spoken about the financial crisis at length, in a couple of places I do disagree with him. Much of the fault here does lie with Congress, and John seems unwilling to assign their portion of blame. Perhaps he’s … Continue reading

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John McCain’s Jobs for America: Simpler, Lower Taxes

In this ongoing series I’m examining the McCain Economic plans. There are 8 parts to the Jobs for America plan so I”m looking at them one at a time. The previous article on energy can be found here. John McCain’s … Continue reading

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The Temple of Taxation

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McCain Slams Obama on Taxes

While the MSM continues to paint John McCain as weak on the economy, he continues to exhibit signs that he has firmer grasp of economic reality than his opponent Obama. This as evidenced by McCain’s anti-tax and anti-spending positions as … Continue reading

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