Tag Archives: fossil

Backyard Fossil Update

Backyard Fossil Update I’ve gotten over my lazyness, pulled out the tripod and taken a macro close up of the fossil I found in my backyard, and I’ve labeled the bits I am curious about. There’s a penny in the … Continue reading

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Pelosi Pimps National Energy Tax and Iowa Congressman Braley in Des Moines

That’s how it started off, a plan like the Europeans… but since then it’s turned into a patronage scam of perks and pork as Rep. Henry Waxman trades credits to states whose votes he needs to pass the bill. It’s a monstrosity that we don’t need while the economy is recovering. Continue reading

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Fossil or Naut? Updated

Fossil or Naut? Updated After examining the odd lump of rock mentioned in the previous post with the magnifier from my Compact Oxford Dictionary I found all kinds of fossils. So it’s not a fossil, it’s fossils. It’s crusted with … Continue reading

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Fossil or Not?

Fossil or Not? I found this buried in the backyard while mowing, Kasey did the initial excavation. It’s oddly shaped, and has crusty things all over the surface, so I’ve been trying to figure out what it is most of … Continue reading

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IDA: Darwinius Masillae

IDA: Darwinius Masillae This is an important fossil find due the the age and completeness of the fossil, and coming from 47 MYA it’s at an important branch in evolution. It’s not the missing link, it’s another missing link. Please … Continue reading

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