This revealing documentary shows the creeping fascism of the wind-conglomerates, set on ruining America’s coastlines for all time.
[ Since I do not use sarcasm on this blog often, for the less agile minds : this is sarcasm. – Editor.]
This revealing documentary shows the creeping fascism of the wind-conglomerates, set on ruining America’s coastlines for all time.
[ Since I do not use sarcasm on this blog often, for the less agile minds : this is sarcasm. – Editor.]
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I just love the hypocrisy of the left (and I have several dear lib friends ~ we just can’t discuss politics!) That the greenies are objecting to wind power doesn’t surprise me. The libs of Machusettes are a breed unto themselves ~ yes, they took the ”ass” out, and send him/her/them to Washington a long time ago.