Tag Archives: Security

What are the Best Encryption Methods?

This is an aggregation of links to recommendations and standards for best encryption practices. Continue reading

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President Obama and I agree

President Obama and I agree I usually have quibbles, reservations, or complete disagreement with much of what our President says, but here I am in 100 percent agreement. Like it our not we are a high energy society. If we … Continue reading

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The Death of a Good Man: Norman Borlaug RIP

The Death of a Good Man: Norman Borlaug RIP The anti-Christ of the Luddite factions in Greenpeace has died. Norman Borlaug was the pioneer of genetically modified crops that have kept billions in the subcontinent of Asia from starving to … Continue reading

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It’s Black Tuesday

New Windows Security Patches out Microsoft has released new security patches, you probably should go get your updates if you are running any flavor of Windows operating systems, Windows Update here. Overview fromĀ SANSĀ Internet Storm Center: # Affected Contra Indications Known … Continue reading

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Locking Your Car

I received this in email from Wildbeggar, and I don’t know if it’s reliable info or not but I will dig into it since it does sound plausible. (If wardrivers can tap wifi by hacking WEP, wouldn’t this be easier?) … Continue reading

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