Tag Archives: Obama

Government Motors

Government Motors GM? Today they get their final lifeline… 30 billion more in Taxpayer dollars, but still bankrupt: But the officials said Sunday they would try to steer clear of getting involved in the automaker’s day-to-day operations, though the government … Continue reading

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North Korean Nuclear Test

North Korean Nuclear Test North Korea has performed another underground nuclear test, and test launched more missiles. Video from AP President Obama’s Statement: Today, North Korea said that it has conducted a nuclear test in violation of international law. It … Continue reading

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Obama’s Open Government: Release Abu Ghraib Photos; No Visibility to Tarp Funds

Obama’s Open Government: Release Abu Ghraib Photos but No Visibility to Tarp Funds I would laugh, but it’s not funny. President Obama is still waffling on releasing Abu Ghraib photos five years after the fact, and closing Gitmo, but at … Continue reading

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Drowning the Taxpayer in Debt: Priceless

Drowning the Taxpayer in Debt: Priceless There are some things your tax dollars shouldn’t buy…

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Obama’s Nuclear Energy Limbo

If a cap and a price are imposed on carbon dioxide emissions, [nuclear] plants could be among the biggest economic winners in the vast economic shifts that would be created by greenhouse gas regulations. Continue reading

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Tigerhawk and Trailmix: Hawking Obama Up

In light of the need to “hawk” Obama up, this does present some more opportunity for Obama to appear strong without large geopolitical ramifications. Continue reading

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Bush Deficit vs Obama Deficit

Bush Deficit vs Obama Deficit Washington Post has a graphic deficit comparison of the two budgets, and Heritage Foundation highlights some of the differences. More on this from Karl Rove at the Wall Street Journal: Last fiscal year, the deficit … Continue reading

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Post Barakalyptic Wasteland

Post Barakalyptic Wasteland Ayn Rand once wrote an essay that compared the crowd and the aftermath of the Apollo 11 Launch in 1969 to that of Woodstock. It was both acerbic and insightful, contrasting how the 1 million souls interested in science and the future at Cape Kennedy left … Continue reading

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Morning Update; Gitmo, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India and more

Normally I spend the morning surfing news and the web and posting newslinks at Little Green Footballs but Charles’ site is serving a blank once you get below the header ad this morning, so I’ll do my updates here. Here’s … Continue reading

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Black Panthers Intimidating Voters in Philly

UPDATE: Here you can see the Black Panther Thug with his nightstick Continue reading

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