Tag Archives: health care

The Proof of the Pudding is the Eating

The Proof of the Pudding is the Eating While some in the NY Conservative party and in the Right Wing blogosphere are trying to portray Tuesday’s historic defeat in NY-23 as a victory, the proof is really in the pudding. … Continue reading

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Rasmussen: Americans Don’t Want House Plan

It’s a cobbled together mess of input from staffers, lobbyists, and NGO’s. If you want to know who put what in the bill go back and look at who took Pelosi and Dingell staffers to lunch during the weeks leading up to the initial drafts being put forth. Continue reading

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Obama & The Real Story

Obama & The Real Story The real story for Obama is grim right now: unemployment is at new-century record highs, his first six months in office are a failure, his budget is delayed, transparency is delayed, health care reform is … Continue reading

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Comparative Health Care MA vs GA

Comparative Health Care MA vs GA In this video 1000 pennies compares two major health care differences between Georgia and Massachusetts.

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