Obama 2nd Biggest Recipient of Fannie Mae Money in Last Ten Years

Barack Obama is the second biggest recipient of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac money during the last ten years, and he’s only been in Washington for four years… is this Change, or the same old corruption? Story at Little Green Footballs.
Recent stories have him raising 66 Million dollars in August — so just who else bought Barry? It’s time to follow the money.

With the questionable home deal with convicted Felon Tony Rezko, and the several years he spent working for “affordable housing” as a community organizer he can’t claim ignorance on what’s going on in financial markets today.

Many of these bad loans bundled together into bad investment vehicles are what’s causing the problems we see now. They came as a result of community outreach and community organizers who crafted programs with banks to lower loan approval hurdles to “disadvantaged borrowers.” Good fiscal practice is just that, so the banks who went overboard on these programs are the ones feeling the pinch now.

Also note that the former CEO of Fannie Mae, who engineered the community outreach defaulted loans debacle is now Barack Obama’s favorite housing advisor. Is this surreal, or just a big freaking coincidence? Did he warn about the earnings mistatement in 2006 because he knew of all the bad loans in system before he left, or because he made an educated guess? You decide.

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