Tag Archives: Immigration

Kirk Douglas on the Road Ahead

These are not the American values that we fought in World War II to protect. Continue reading

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Jon Stewart Takes Over the Late Show to Rant About GOP and Fox News Trump Contortions

Jon Stewart Takes Over the Late Show to Rant About GOP and Fox News Trump Contortions Continue reading

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Arizona Illegal Immigration Law Fixed

…and how I stopped being a tool. InĀ  a last minute move after seeing a huge media and blog outcry Arizona has altered the vague sections of their Immigrant law that were crafted by a hate group lawyer, and now … Continue reading

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AZ Immigration Bill: Kobach’s and Pearce’s Roots in White Supremacy

I’ve experience with seeing Kobach speak myself – with coded anti-immigration nativist dog whistling in many speeches; and his crowing over creating this legislation and association with FAIR speaks for itself. Continue reading

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The Proof of the Pudding is the Eating

The Proof of the Pudding is the Eating While some in the NY Conservative party and in the Right Wing blogosphere are trying to portray Tuesday’s historic defeat in NY-23 as a victory, the proof is really in the pudding. … Continue reading

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