Tag Archives: Science

Wingnut Predicted New Ice Ages that Never Happened

In which Peter Hadfield, aka Potholer54 tracks the November 2018 claims back to sources, and shows how wrong they are in their interpretation of the data regarding the new Solar Grand Minimum. He also does a great job of looking … Continue reading

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Back to Our Moon: Powering Our Return ; a clip from NASA

It’s well past the time that we should have been back to our moon. Make no mistake: This is an existential task for the human race. NASA’s new partnership with Maxar and their propulsion system explained. via Powering Our Return … Continue reading

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Bill Nye on creationism: It’s like teaching the earth is flat

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How To Be a Denialist in Ten Easy Steps

In the latest New Scientist they cover the ever blooming fields of denialism that popped up everywhere or that bloomed anew in the first decade of the new millennium. One of their references is an important paper from Martin Mckee, … Continue reading

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Simple but Eloquent Proofs of our Common Ancestry

Science uses some of the SINEs and LINEs of our times to track our common ancestry, and determine some of what had to be true of your evolution and mine. Our great national shame is that only Turkey has lower … Continue reading

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The Nuclear Conundrum

A panel discussion of the drivers and restrainers to building new Nuclear Energy plants in the US. The panel is well rounded with Stewart Brand, Michael Brune and Industry represtentation. Continue reading

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Holier than Thou: Outcast for Promoting Science

You might remember Ken from the infamous “Creationism Museum” in KY, you know the one where they imply that all black people are cursed. Continue reading

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AGW: Still Very Real Despite all the Luddite Mobs Trying to Storm the Castle

covers several of the recent climate denialist headlines, which almost always get things exactly wrong or backwards. Continue reading

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Happy 200th Birthday Charles Darwin

Today is international Darwin Day, and it’s Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday as well. It’s a great day to celebrate and I recommend going to see “Creation” tonight.

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Why We Believe in Myths

Michael Shermer at TED For those who doubt the mind’s ability to create patterns where none exist I present my childhood encounter with the phenomenon, and Ladel Rat Rotten Hut.

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