Tag Archives: Global Warming

Wingnut Predicted New Ice Ages that Never Happened

In which Peter Hadfield, aka Potholer54 tracks the November 2018 claims back to sources, and shows how wrong they are in their interpretation of the data regarding the new Solar Grand Minimum. He also does a great job of looking … Continue reading

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Why temperatures never go up in straight lines

A new video from Peter Hadley to debunk the usual naysayers who think this temporary slowdown or pause in AGW is the destruction of all science. Why temperatures never go up in straight lines – YouTube.

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A Warming World

Here’s a video from NASA data that details some of the factors behind AGW. For much more information go to Nasa’s Warming World page.

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The Big Swindle – Global Warming Denial Film Debunked

This video created by an ally of my nemesis, Al Gore, pretty much destroys the main tenets and blunders of the movie “The Global Warming Swindle”. While I’m still not an alarmist, and I still think Al’s selling a carbon ponzi scheme that will cause great stress in third world countries, I do like truth. So here it is, real data and finished charts from authoritative sources. Continue reading

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