Monthly Archives: November 2008

Winning in Afghanistan Long Enough to Leave

The post title above is deliberately provocative, but it gets to the point of the matter, for Afghanistan is significantly different than Iraq. Please chew on that a minute before you disagree. I am certainly not saying that we should … Continue reading

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Senior Al Qaeda Leader Targetted in Bannu Missile Strike

Reports from Bill Roggio and AFP both say we might have gotten another member of Al Qaeda’s Shura council. A good way to go into the Thanksgiving holidays.
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Sayyid Imam Calls Zawahiri a Liar and Cursed Before God

In a book being published serially, Sayyid Imam points out the lies and double-dealing of Ayman Al Zawhari, and challenges him to a cursing before God. See hereĀ at Jihadica, partial list below: Zawahiri repeatedly says I wrote the Document [the … Continue reading

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Half Blood Prince Trailer

The Half-Blood Prince Harry Potter movie release will be next July, here’s the trailer to watch in the meantime. and for the sake of levity, the reaction to the delay:

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Go Army! Soldier’s Angels Project Valor-IT

The annual donations drive from Soldier’s Angels is on, and once again I’ve joined team Army. This project gets laptops and other needed technology to wounded vets and they need your help. Team Army is doing pretty well, but need … Continue reading

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Rebuilding Ground Zero part 53

Lawhawk continues his series of essays on the rebuilding of ground zero, progress, though halting at times, is being made.

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Victory in Iraq Day

. Zombie’s braver than I, I was going to wait until the defense pact agreement passed the assembly in Iraq, but what the hey…. Victory in Iraq Day! 1 One other note on this: I predict the media will not … Continue reading

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The trees are really afire in Southern California, but here they just appear to be.

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Future Dreams II

What dreams have we? What future would we build? If you look around the Republican leadership, you don’t see many answers to those questions, but they are urgently in need of answer. In this series of essays I have challenges … Continue reading

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November Skies

You can see the direction South

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