Zombie’s braver than I, I was going to wait until the defense pact agreement passed the assembly in Iraq, but what the hey…. Victory in Iraq Day!
One other note on this: I predict the media will not join in, I predict that they will not be able to even contenance the V word until such point that they can work the narrative over enough to call it an Obama victory in Iraq.
Hint to the media: President Elect Obama has Afghanistan before him as he enters office. He will be able to play a stronger hand there if he has an accepted Victory under his belt. On the other hand an embassey evac ala Viet Nam is a picture that would really hurt efforts in Afghanistan. Think on it.
Stop by and thank Zombie for his / her efforts here.
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Oh shucks, and to think that the left leaning media
and Democrats in Congress wanted to go over
to Iraq and surrender to the insurgents.
Too bad this didn’t come out before the end of the election….
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