Breaking: London Police Find Suitcase of Explosives

See the full story at Little Green Footballs:

 A SUITCASE filled with bomb-making material has been found by police teams investigating the alleged plot to blow up aircraft over the Atlantic.

The suitcase, containing chemicals and other equipment for a home-made bomb, was found in woods in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, close to addresses at which suspects were arrested last week.

A police source said that the suitcase contained everything that would be needed to make an explosive device. This could include materials for creating an explosive, methods of concealment and a simple way of detonating the bomb. After police made arrests last week, Whitehall sources said it was feared that the explosives were to have been hidden in plastic drinks bottles and ignited using the current from an MP3 player. Details of the find have been kept secret by Scotland Yard and the suitcase is now being examined by forensic scientists and explosives experts.

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