Daily Archives: August 6, 2006

Technorati Rank

Current Technorati rank, moving up now that I fixed my verdamnt feeds. Technorati had me with zero posts for 28 days. Never noticed, yeah, rookie blogger mistake. Noblesse Oblige Search this blog Rank: 60,139 (311 links from 49 blogs) URL: … Continue reading

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All-American Rejects Move The Left Along

A good rock anthem has theme, purpose, great chunky riffs, and consistent, punchy, martial drumming that makes you want to get up and march. Great Rock Anthems are inspirational in both word and sound. Continue reading

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Fear and Loathing in the Media

Americans witness the New York Times, Reuters, and CBS news with bemused horror, leviathans trapped in the primordal ooze of last century’s worldview while the nimble furry predators of the internet savage their dieing carcasses. UPDATE: REUTERS GETS THINGS DRASTICALLY WRONG AGAIN, IS HEZBOLLAH THEIR MAJORITY STOCKHOLDER? Continue reading

Posted in Journalism, Politics | 5 Comments