Daily Archives: August 5, 2006

Iran Smuggling Uranium?

Shades of Yellowcake! Here we go again Continue reading

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UN ceasefire: as meaningfull as 1559?

So you will not see countries clamoring to move forces into Lebanon for quite a while because hostilities will still be underway. International forces are not going to come in until Israel gets the full pin on their opponent in other words. Look for this to run several more weeks, no matter what resolutions are made. Continue reading

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Photos, lies, and photoshop

Charles at Little Green Footballs is pointing out a probably doctored photo at Reuters, see the LGF article here. Meanwhile, Silent Running catches secondary explosions from an AP photo, probable ammo or missile fuel explosion after the Israeli hit in … Continue reading

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India Reopens Blogging

Indian security officials are declaring that their blocking of blogs has proven counterproductive, and they have reopened many blocked sites in India. I am curious if you can get to The Jawa Report and others now from there. CAUTION: You … Continue reading

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