Daily Archives: August 12, 2006

UK Terror Plotters Associates of Daniel Pearl’s Killers

The ringleader of the Islamofascist terrorists who plotted to bomb UK planes is an affiliate of Jaish-e-Mohammed, who killed and beheaded journalist Daniel Pearl. Continue reading

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Breaking: More US Terrorist Arrests

If you live near Dearbornistan you better batten down the hatches, and you better be watching. More Islamic terrorist suspects captured in Michigan in the last hour. Note they are denoted as “men” you have to read down in the article to figure out what’s going on. Continue reading

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Technorati and Truthlaid rank

Week by week, still moving up, even though work had me so busy that I really slacked on blogging this week. Noblesse Oblige Rank: 51,459 (415 links from 52 blogs) URL: http://noblesseoblige.org/wordpress I also graduated from a Wiggly Worm to a Crunchy Crustacean … Continue reading

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Old Nazi’s never die, they just fade away

Gunter Grass, Peace Activist, Socialist, Writer has finally fessed up that he was part of the Waffen-SS of Hitler. He was also a member of the Hitler Youth, against unification of Germany, and clearly set against the US and Britain in the War on Terror Continue reading

Posted in Art, Blogging, Freedom | 4 Comments

Zelzal Missiles for Earthquake Aid Money?

Meanwhile, last week we find that the Zelzals were transported on returning Earthquake Relief flights from Syria, which asks the question: Did Earthquake Relief funds buy Zelzals for Hezbollah in Lebanon? Continue reading

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