Daily Archives: August 26, 2006

Binary Liquid Explosives Do Work

In the UK Register we have a very authoritative appearing article spouting all the myths about binary liquid explosives. Authoritative sounding when it’s not sneering and joking about mass murder that is. Continue reading

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Gene Simmons Thinks The IDF Rocks

Gene Simmons has sent a video thank you to a soldier of the IDF thanking him for his service in the war against Hizb’Allah. Gene has long been a libertarian leaning conservative so this does not surprise me in the least, although it will surprise some. Gene’s mother was a holocaust survivor, and he was born in Haifa. Continue reading

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Missile Defense Updates

Missile defense is going to be an ongoing part of our lives in the future, like it or not. Israel’s recent encounter with Hizb’Allah demonstrates the need for a layered defense, and left over from the previous battles with the same opponent is an old program that is now seeing the light of day Continue reading

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Television News Boycott

I’m on a television news boycott for awhile, maybe a couple weeks. Do you suppose they will stop leading with the child murderer, and the child murdered by then? I don’t want to be callous here, but it’s not news, it’s pure sensationalism. Yeah, I hope if he’s the killer he fries, but there’s too much else going on for journalists to waste so much bandwidth on one murder case so old. Continue reading

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Bin Laden Update

UPDATE: This from CNN, Bin Laden near Chitral, down the pass from Darkot and across alpine meadow?   According to a U.S. military intelligence official familiar with the hunt, bin Laden is likely hiding in an area called Chitral, in the far … Continue reading

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