The Pakistan Daily Times discovers funding of the UK terrorists with Earthquake Relief money:
KARACHI: A UK-based Islamic charity organisation remitted a huge amount of money to three individuals in three different bank accounts in Mirpur, Azad Kashmir, in December last year with the sole purpose of helping its recipients and their organisations carry out the aircraft bombing plan in the UK, insider sources told Daily Times yesterday.
An investigation carried out by Daily Times showed that Muslim Charity of UK remitted not so long ago a huge amount of money under the head of “earthquake relief†to the accounts of three individuals in three different banks — Saudi Pak Bank, Standard Chartered and Habib Bank Ltd. One of these banks is UK based and has its presence in Azad Kashmir because of a huge number of British citizens of Kashmir origin in UK. The money was transferred from UK to banks in Azad Kashmir through Barclays Plc..
Two of the recipients of the transaction are British citizens of Kashmir origin while the third is an Islamabad-based builder, also of Kashmir origin. They were arrested in the last two weeks at three different places in the country. One of them was arrested in Karachi, the “builder†was arrested in Islamabad while the place of the arrest of the third suspect is still not known. There are no available details about these three suspects with regard to their links with organisations such as Al Qaeda or Lashkar-e-Taiba or both.
Meanwhile, last week we find that the Zelzals were transported on returning Earthquake Relief flights from Syria, which asks the question: Did Earthquake Relief funds buy Zelzals for Hezbollah in Lebanon?
SYRIAN transport aircraft that carried aid to Iran after a massive earthquake in 2003 returned to Syria carrying sophisticated weapons which Damascus then passed on to Hezbollah in Lebanon, Israeli military intelligence alleges.
As the Israeli army struggles for a fourth week to defeat Hezbollah, the shipments are just one indication of how – with the help of its main sponsors, Iran and Syria – the Shiite militia group sharply improved its arsenal and strategies in the six years since Israel ended its occupation of southern Lebanon.
Among the weapons that Syrian planes brought from Iran were long-range Zelzal missiles, Israel alleges.
Israel says it will aim air strikes at resupply convoys and will get any international peacekeeping force to police the Lebanese-Syrian border. “Preventing Syrian and Iranian resupply is a key,” a senior Israeli official said yesterday.
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