Monthly Archives: December 2008

Is Pakistan at Verge of War, or Verge of Coup?

There’s a lot of speculation out regarding the tense situation over the Mumbai terror attacks, and that’s expected to increase now that the captured terrorist has been tracked back to a village in Pakistan. Senators McCain and Lieberman are in … Continue reading

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US to UN Soon: Hamid Gul is a Terrorist

As a followup to yesterday’s story on Hamid Gul, Bill Roggio has made some queries and has a solid report up at The Long War Journal. Well worth your your time to read.

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Kasey Caught in the Act

“Ok so what if it’s not my rawhide chew-toy?”

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US asks UN to Declare Hamid Gul a Terrorist

The US is asking the UN to declare Hamid Gul and three other ex-ISI terrorists, this according to the International Times. Since Hamid Gul himself is a known liar, (see this interview two weeks after 9/11,) I wouldn’t put it … Continue reading

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Morning Update; Gitmo, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India and more

Normally I spend the morning surfing news and the web and posting newslinks at Little Green Footballs but Charles’ site is serving a blank once you get below the header ad this morning, so I’ll do my updates here. Here’s … Continue reading

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Kasey Paws

Kasey hamming it up on the carpet, showing off for the stuffed bear or something…

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Redbud in Winter

We had our first light snow overnight Sat-Sun, so of course my wife decided it was time to put up the Christmas lights. Here’s the Redbud Tree before we put up the lights.

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